How to store your passwords securely with Lastpass

In today’s video, I’m going to be going over how to store your passwords securely and showing you a program called Last Pass that is built for exactly that.

No matter what industry you are in, what job you do, or who you are working with if you are using any online programmes with passwords you should be using a password manager to securely store those passwords. 

As a graphic and web designer but also just as someone who works online this tool is so valuble.

Resources Links

All my discounts and resources -

Lastpass -

Lastpass password generator -

Why should you use a password manager?

Managing your passwords is actually hectic and using your browser to manage your passwords is not very secure. 

When Covid came along for some reason I was getting way more spam and fishing emails than before and that’s when I thought it was time to start looking for an online solution for managing my passwords. 

Password managers like Lastpass take the stress away from remembering all your passwords, they securely store your passwords and give you peace of mind that your content is protected.

What does Lastpass do?

  1. Stores all your passwords securely in a password vault

  2. It uses a master password, so when you sign into Lastpass you use the master password to activate Lastpass and it will fill in your passwords for you so you don’t have to remember individual passwords

  3. You can securely share passwords

  4. If you struggle to come up with secure passwords it has this narly password generator

  5. There are free and paid versions which I think is great because you get to really test the power of last-pass

How to add a password to Lastpass

  1. When you are logged into Lastpass click on the plus icon on the right-hand bottom of the screen

  2. Enter the details of the password that you want to store and save. It’s that easy.

You can also download a chrome extension for Lastpass that will ask you whenever you login to a new site if you want to store the password. You can get that here.

how to add a password to lastpass.png

How to use folders to organise passwords in Lastpass

When you are logged into Lastpass click on the plus icon on the right-hand bottom of the screen

  1. Select the folder option and enter your folder details.

  2. You chan choose for the folder to be a main folder or a sub folder, this helps if you have a lot of passwords to manage.

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How to share a password with Lastpass

Select the folder option and enter your folder details.

  1. Look for the share symbol on the password that you want to share

  2. enter the details of the person you want to share your password with

  3. make sure to select “allow recipient to view password” this is so they can see the password when they receive the email

Anyone who receives a password via Lastpass will need to create an account so that passwords can be shared securely. Lastpass has a free version so anyone you send a password to wont have to pay.

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I hope this tutorial has helped you and you can go away and secure your passwords securely with Lastpass. I use last-pass all the time in my business now to store my passwords and it really takes the admin out of having to remember them and it also gives me piece of mind that they are stored securely.

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