My top 3 Time-Saving Hacks for Blogging on Squarespace

Small business owners, like me, are always busy. That’s why I am constantly looking for ways to increase my productivity, maximise my time and do things as efficiently as possible.

So whether you are currently building your website or you have a Squarespace website already, these 3 time-saving hacks will help you push out blog content faster, with less effort, without sacrificing quality.

1. Use a voice tool (Google Docs and

The fastest way is to write is not to type, but to speak!

Just like smart home devices, you can have the luxury of making your life easier by just the sound of your voice. 

Google Docs

If you’re using your laptop for blogging, I highly suggest you try out Google Docs, Microsoft Word’s millennial counterpart.

Google Docs is free, and it’s cloud-based so all your saved documents don’t get scattered around your computer, and you don’t even need to register anything. It’s tied in with your Gmail account.

But that’s not the best part, Google Docs has a built-in “Voice Typing” tool. Basically, you just speak, it listens and types out what you write as you’re speaking. Hallelujah! No more RSI.

How To Access The Google Voice Tool

  1. Head to the top navigation

  2. Click on Tools

  3. Select Voice Typing

  4. A microphone icon will appear on your screen. When you click on it, that will tell it to record your voice and it turns red.

If you’re on the go and want a more portable voice tool, I highly recommend Otter. It’s an audio transcription service specially made for small to medium business owners.

It can be used on your Mac and PC but it is available as an app for both Android and IOS. This is very handy if you are on the go and the ideas hit you. Or if you’re already in bed and don’t want to be bothered to open up your computer. Just register and sync with your Google or Microsoft account, press Record and you’re good to go. You can export it into a .txt file on your phone and just format it later when you blog with Squarespace.

2. Use a blog template

My next time-saving hack for blogging in Squarespace is to set up a Squarespace blog template this way every time you want to write a blog post you don't have to lay it out every single time. 

So, what I do with my blog posts is I have a draft blog post that is laid out exactly how I want it and how I want it structured and after my blog post has been written all I need to do is copy and paste it from my Google Docs into the draft blog posts and it's all formatted ready to go.

If you make a layout for your blogging template for your blog posts with Google Docs, it helps you to structure out your blog and keeps you on track with what you need to say. 

Check out my other blog post My Secret Process to Writing a Squarespace Blog in 12 Easy Steps to steal my entire process.

3. Duplicate your blog post

This is my third and final tip and it's probably the best one.

Did you know you can duplicate your Squarespace blog posts?

By doing this, you keep all the tags, categories, and everything else that is set up for that blog post. So, if you're blogging and need to use the same category, tags, etc., all you need to do is duplicate that blog post.

The Squarespace blog layout will have all the information you need. All that’s left for you to do is to update the content URL SEO, thumbnail and any other changes that are specific to that Squarespace blog post. 


Once you have proofread your post and edited it the way you need it, it's ready to be published!

Make blogging fast and easy

It’s already easy to blog on Squarespace but it still would take a considerable amount of time to sit down, open your laptop and write something. 

Shaving minutes through our time-saving hacks will let us have more time to focus on our other tasks, or just be done for the day.

All the tools we featured are easily accessible and free, all you have to do is use them. You’re welcome!

Let’s work together

Got an amazing business idea you need help bringing to life? Time to refresh your existing brand? Ready to get serious and connect with your customers with a stunning Squarespace site?




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